Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So first day of school was Monday. Alarm was set for 6:30 and boy was that rough! The new school don't start at 8am like normal schools, but instead 7:55. So I was trying to get a fill for what time we all needed to be up, fed and dressed to have him on time. Well 6:30 was waaayyyyyy the hell too early. lol First I woke him up at 6:55. He wanted cereal. So I fix him a grand bowl of cereal. He was so excited he takes 2 bites and dumps the bowl into the disposer. Me, NOT SO MUCH! You do not waste food of any kind in this house, that damn cereal was $4! lol And I think he has a very clear understanding of that now. Anyway, this year since he's 9, some things needed to change. Before, we laid his clothes out at night and had them on the couch for him in the mornings. To make sure he actually got dressed and wasn't just sitting and watching tv. This year, he is assuming more responsibility. Getting dressed in his room, picking out his own shoes. Lotion, deordorant,teeth brushed,etc. Then come down for breakfast at a decent time. Its been working so far. Slowly I will start introducing him to picking out his own clothes for school, since I've cleaned out his closet and all school clothes are hung separate from weekend/play clothes.

Anyway, 1st day went great at the new school. He found a friend he already knew from daycare in his class. And according to him he made 6 new friends. He is excited about microwaves being available to them in the cafeteria at lunch time, and the class pet fish. The school is bigger, newer and his teacher is nice. He made me a happy mom. :)
Now onto some pics..

I created this layout today documenting his first day of 4th grade..the pictures aren't perfect and I think that's what I like about it, but that's a whole nother post in itself...

Most of the pictures I got from Monday look like this. With his back to me. The older he gets the more he wants me to leave the camera home. Well that won't happen..not at all. I'm savoring these moments because I know when he gets to high school there will be no more walking him to class.

From my graduation day at Paul Mitchell. It seem so long ago but it's only been 3 weeks. Thats my mom on the end next to me. Had I thought about it I would've taken a separate picture with just the girls from school. These are my babies. I started school with every single one of them except Sierra(the one behind my mom) There is so many things to be said about every single one of these girls. They all hold a special place in my heart and man we became such a huge part of each other's lives during that 10 months and Sierra less than that as she started after us but she still my babygirl. I was the first to graduate out of 26 of us, a major accomplishment.

Following tradition, leaving my handprint on the wall.

I think that's enough for now. I need to figure out how to schedule posts. So when I'm sleeping I can have post already done when I wake up.
That's all I got for now...

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